Junketsu no Maria 10

Sorry for the long wait. Ep 11 is being worked on right now. Meanwhile, I hope you like our new MC-kun (pictured above), Maria’s new love interest.

Like Maria, we’re still looking for that special someone. We’re in need of Translators and Translation checkers, Editors and Quality Checkers, Typesetters and KFXers. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.

Once again the producers have been kind enough to provide some historical notes on the show’s homepage (Google translated).

Cordelia of Britain: Queen Cordelia was a legendary Queen of the Britons, as recounted by Geoffrey of Monmouth. She was the youngest daughter of Leir and the second ruling queen of pre-Roman Britain. There is no independent historical evidence for her existence.

Libri Quattuor Sententiarum: The Four Books of Sentences (Libri Quattuor Sententiarum) is a book of theology written by Peter Lombard in the 12th century. It is a systematic compilation of theology, written around 1150; it derives its name from the sententiae or authoritative statements on biblical passages that it gathered together.

Tarvos Trigaranus:arvos Trigaranus is a divine figure who appears on a relief panel of the Pillar of the Boatmen as a bull with three cranes perched on his back. He stands under a tree, and on an adjacent panel, the god Esus is chopping down a tree, possibly a willow, with an axe.

Nantosuelta: In Gaulish religion, Nantosuelta was a goddess of nature, the earth, fire, and fertility. The Mediomatrici (Alsace, Lorraine) depicted her in art as holding a model house or dovecote on a pole. Other likely depictions show her with a pot or bee hive.